
By Christina Sarich, Nation of Change, Published: Friday 7 February 2014 Welcome to the future, its already here. Solar employs and nuclear destroys; we have ample evidence of that now, and with the annual U.S. solar jobs census we now have proof that solar power isn’t just providing energy, without destroying our oceans and contaminating …

By Ari Phillips- Published in Climate Progress, Jan 28, 2014 ( A layer of haze fills China’s Sichuan Basin on January 23, 2014.CREDIT: NASA EARTH OBSERVATORY A new study has found that global estimates of black carbon emissions in certain areas of India and China could be two to three more times concentrated than previously …

(Published By Sierra Club, January 2014) We’ll let Pulitzer Prize–winning food critic Jonathan Gold get on his soapbox for this one: “People need to stop eating BLUEFIN TUNA. Period. It’ll be difficult because bluefin is uncommonly delicious and tends to be served at high-end sushi bars, where the fashion is to say ‘omakase‘ and …

by DAVE LINDORFF (Published in “CounterPunch” Jan. 23, 2014– Climate skeptics in Congress, and oil and coal industry lobbyists like the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the American Coal Council (ACC) may be preventing any significant action in the US on reducing this country’s emissions of carbon into the atmosphere, but at the Pentagon, …

Senior figures from industry, military and politics explore risks of financial chaos, oil depletion and climate catastrophe By Nafeez Ahmed – The Guardian, January 17, 2014 A conference sponsored by a US military official convened experts in Washington DC and London warning that continued dependence on fossil fuels puts the world at risk of an …

By Justin Gillis- New York Times, Jan 16, 2014 ( Nations have so dragged their feet in battling climate change that the situation has grown critical and the risk of severe economic disruption is rising, according to a draft United Nations report. Another 15 years of failure to limit carbon emissions could make the problem …

By Emily Atkin- published in EcoNews, Jan 7, 2014- (see On Sunday night, a reporter for The Weather Channel stood in a Minnesota snowstorm, talking about local efforts to move homeless children into heated shelters. “How cold is it supposed to get?” the anchor, back in the studio, asked. The reporter replied: “Colder than …

Written by Marjorie McCloy for The Catalyst Magazine, Jan. 6, 2013. In late October I was walking in my leafy 9th and 9th neighborhood when my attention was snagged by a good-looking guy walking toward the sidewalk. He was carrying something, but since I was looking at him I didn’t notice what it was. Then …

SMITHSONIAN.COM’s Special Report: Energy Innovation – published Dec. 27, 2013 2013 was a great year for science. We discovered hundreds of exoplanets, found yet more evidence of ancient water on Mars and learned all about our species’ own evolution. But it’s important to remember that, in terms of the long-term survival of both our species …

By Brian Moench, MD- published in Salt Lake Tribune Jan 4, 2014 (see Salt Lake City exists in a high altitude bowl surrounded by mountains, making us more vulnerable to pollution build up than other major cities. We all get that. Too often in response, we hear, “Well there’s not much we can do …