
Researchers suggest warming oceans maybe releasing giant plumes of harmful methane that fuel climate change. What is the US doing to deal with methane? By Beatrice Gitau, Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 17, 2015 Giant plumes of methane gas appear to be bubbling up off the Pacific Northwest coast.  This is according to a new study which suggests warming ocean …

Mining uranium, the fuel for nuclear reactors, is a dirty business. Following World War II, mining companies extracted millions of tons of uranium from Navajo tribal lands in the West, contaminating homes and water supplies in the process. It went on for decades, and Navajo miners developed lung cancer at very high rates. Today, even …

Hundreds of thousands of migrants are seeking refuge in Europe, but millions more will be displaced as the climate warms. Peter Mellgard Associate Editor, The WorldPost Posted: 09/05/2015 12:34 PM EDT | Edited: 09/05/2015 12:37 PM EDT CREDIT: REBECCA BLACKWELL/ASSOCIATED PRESS2-year-old Aliou Seyni Diallo eats dry couscous given to him by a neighbor, after he collapsed in tears …

It isn’t the best of times for the American Arctic and let me explain why. The world is in the midst of an oil glut.  In the last year, oil prices bottomed out before rising modestly.  A NASA study just offered the news that a massive ice shelf in Antarctica, half the size of Rhode Island, will disintegrate by …

By Joyce Nelson Any day now Pope Francis, leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, will be issuing a rare papal Encyclical on climate change and the environment. The Encyclical will apparently be urging all Catholics to take action against climate change. It will be sent to 5,000 Catholic bishops and 400,000 priests around …

By Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director, Center for Food Safety This article was originally published on The Huffington Post, May 4, 2015. “A single corn kernel coated with a neonicotinoid can kill a song bird.” As a long time environmental lawyer and campaigner, I should not have been stunned by that fact but I was. Shaking …

Pope Francis was a key player in thawing relations between the US and Cuba. Photograph: Franco Origlia/Getty Images The Pontiff hopes to inspire action at next year’s UN meeting in Paris in December after visits to Philippines and New York Article by John Vidal- published in The Guardian-US edition–December 27, 2014 He has been called …

May 16, 2014 by Joshua Holland (article posted at Most people who deny that human activity is warming the planet just dismiss a massive body of scientific evidence as a big hoax. But there’s a more sophisticated set of climate “skeptics” who make arguments that, at least to the lay ear, sound like they’re …

CREDIT: SHUTTERSTOCK “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.” — Edward Abbey By Joe Romm for Think Progress – posted Oct. 14, 2014  FDR famously saved capitalism from itself, from its worst excesses and most venal practitioners.  Now eight decades later, scientists, environmentalists, and progressives are in a similar position. Unchecked capitalism is a Ponzi scheme that …

by Rob Hopkins, Asher Miller   September 30, 2013 Why Environmentalists Must Embrace Post-Growth Economics and Community Resilience In this provocative paper, PCI Executive Director Asher Miller and Transition Movement Founder (and PCI Fellow) Rob Hopkins make a convincing case for why the environmental community must embrace post-growth economics and community resilience in their efforts to address the climate crisis. Executive …