New analysis finds near-unanimous support of Bears Ears and other national monuments as public comment period closes, including a 9‑to‑1 margin among Utahns by Aaron Weiss- Media Director for Center for Western Priorities- published July 10, 2017 in Medium Corporation’s Westwise online publication With just hours remaining in President Trump’s 60-day public comment period reviewing 21 years of …
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by Ty Markham, Chair of MESA- posted on January 4, 2018 A few months ago in October (2017), as part of MESA’s campaign to support Utah’s Department of Environmental Quality (the DEQ’s) new rules on monitoring, reporting and repairing of toxic leaks at well sites, MESA created a petition expressing support of the new rules. …
As God’s earthly stewards we must protect His gift of divine creation! Support Clean Air! by Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance Tell the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) you support clean air standards. Heavenly Father has made us accountable for protecting and preserving our earthly home for future generations. But rising smog levels brought on …
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This is a guest post to the PLOS Paleontology Community by guest blogger Robert Gay. Rob is the Curator of Education at the Museum of Western Colorado, and also frequently contributes to the blog Prehistoric Pub. He can be found on Twitter @Paleorob. Thank you, Rob, for contributing to the PLOS Paleo Community! The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the author and …
Continue reading “Paleontology of Bears Ears National Monument, Utah”
February 9, 2017 Dear Hon. Zinke, Leader McConnell, Leader Schumer, Speaker Ryan, and Leader Pelosi: I am writing on behalf of Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance (AKA: “MESA”), a 501-c3 non-profit registered in Utah which I chair. MESA represents the views of LDS Church members and followers in Utah and across the nation. We connect with …
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Over the past few years, the U.S. Climate Network and Oxfam have been tracking nationwide grassroots organizations and uprisings focused on local & global climate issues. The two organizations are spearheading an effort to awaken members of Congress to the extent of this groundswell calling for swift action to confront the urgent and real dangers …
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By: The Associated Press Published: January 14, 2016 Ty Markham of the Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance speaks in front of the Capitol in Salt Lake City on Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016. Markham pointed to theology as justification for opening southern Utah lands for Mexican gray wolf recovery. Her group believes the wolves play a key …
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The article is an interview by Democracy Now’s host, Amy Goodman, with Kevin Anderson, director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, and professor of energy and climate change at the Univ. of Manchester. The interview is printed below, but can be viewed directly at this link: Ahead of the U.N. climate change summit …
A new study attempts the first tally of those driving the peculiarly American strain of climate change denial. by Eric Roston- November 30, 2015 Bloomberg Business The American public has turned away from outright denial of climate change. Sixty-three percent of adults describe the problem as “serious” in the latest opinion poll from the Washington Post and ABC News, a dip from …
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By Matt McGrathEnvironment correspondent, BBC News, Paris ( The Pope’s closest adviser on ecology has urged Catholics to join global climate marches planned for Sunday. In an internal letter to bishops, Cardinal Peter Turkson says people should be “encouraged” to exercise their “ecological citizenship”. The letter says that climate negotiators meeting in Paris need to …
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